How to Check Sassa R350 Payment Date Online 

If you’re anxiously waiting for your SASSA R350 payment can feel like watching a pot of water that’s taking forever to boil.

You need that money, and the uncertainty of when it will arrive can be stressful.

That’s why I’ve mastered the art of checking my payment date online.

It wasn’t always easy – I’m no tech wizard! But I figured it out, and I know if I can do it, anyone can.

Trust me, the relief you’ll feel when you see that payment date pop up is worth the bit of effort it takes to learn how to check it.

How to Check Your SASSA R350 Payment Date Via SASSA Website

  1. Open your web browser: Use an app like Google Chrome, Firefox, or the basic internet app on your phone.
  2. Go to the SASSA website: In the address bar at the top, carefully type:
  3. Scroll down and find “Application Status”: Look for a section with this title or something similar.
  4. Click on “Click here to check online”: There should be a clickable link near the “Application Status” title.
  5. Enter your ID number: Type in your South African ID number exactly as it appears on your ID card.
  6. Enter your phone number: Type in the phone number you used when you applied for the R350 grant.
  7. Click “Submit”: Look for a button that says “Submit” or something similar.
  8. View your status: The website will show your current application status. If it’s approved, it might show your next payment date. Look for phrases like:
    • Approved” If it says “Approved”, look for the date under “Payday” – that’s your expected payment date.
    • Pending“:  Your application is being processed. Check back regularly.
    • Declined“: There’s an issue; you may need to reapply or contact SASSA (see their contact details below).

How to Check Your SASSA R350 Payment Date Via WhatsApp Line

  1. Save the SASSA WhatsApp number: On your phone, add this number to your contacts: 082 046 8553
  2. Open WhatsApp: This is the green icon that looks like a speech bubble with a phone inside.
  3. Start a chat with SASSA: Find the SASSA contact you saved and tap to open a chat.
  4. Send the word “Status”
  5. Follow the instructions: The SASSA WhatsApp line will send you automatic messages asking for your ID number and phone number. Respond to the messages with the requested information.
  6. Get your status: WhatsApp will provide your application status and possibly your payment date.

Important Things to Remember

Have your ID ready: You cannot check your status without your South African ID number.

Use the correct number: Make sure you use the phone number you provided on your grant application.

Payment dates can change: Even if you see a payment date, it might be adjusted, so check back regularly.

No need to visit a SASSA office: You can do this entirely online!