The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) increased the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant by R20 in 2024.
From April 1, 2024, SRD beneficiaries will start receiving R370 per month. This increase aims to provide additional support to individuals facing hardship and unemployment in South Africa.
While the SRD grant amount is lower than other social grants, such as the Older Persons Grant or Disability Grant, it still plays a crucial role in assisting vulnerable individuals during challenging times.
SASSA SRD Grant Eligibility Criteria
1. Nationality/Residency
- South African citizen: Must hold a valid South African ID.
- Permanent resident: Must have a permanent residency permit.
- Refugee: Must have a valid refugee status permit.
- Asylum seeker: Must possess a valid Section 22 visa or permit.
2. Age
Applicants must be between 18 and 60 years old. This ensures that the grant targets individuals of working age who are facing financial hardship.
3. Employment Status
Applicants must be currently unemployed. This means not having any form of formal or informal employment.
4. Income
Applicants must have no income or an income below R624 per month. This threshold is in place to ensure that the grant benefits those with the greatest need.
Applicants must not be receiving any other form of government assistance, such as other social grants, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) payments, or stipends from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).
Applicants must not be receiving financial support from family members.
5. Other
Applicants must not be government employees.
Applicants who are medically unfit to work for less than 6 months may be eligible (optional).
Individuals who were the primary breadwinner of a household and passed away within the last 3 months may be eligible (optional).
Victims of natural disasters may be eligible (optional).
Thulani vilibane is not working bt I don’t get My sassa payment for 2 mnth bt I don’t knw how
Me gotloga last year gaseke kahumane gofihla 2024 gake beteke