20+ Ways to Boost Your Income Alongside Your Sassa Grant

Let’s face it, my SASSA grant doesn’t stretch as far as it used to.

I found myself struggling to make ends meet each month, the rising cost of living eating away at my meagre income.

But I wasn’t going to let that get me down. I knew there had to be ways to boost my income and live a more comfortable life.

That’s when I started exploring all the possibilities. And let me tell you, the opportunities were endless!

From starting a small business to using my skills and talents, I discovered over 19 ways to supplement my grant and create a more financially secure future.

If you’re in a similar situation, or feeling the pinch of a tight budget, then this is for you. 

1. Start a Blog

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be Shakespeare! A blog is simply a place to share your thoughts, experiences, or knowledge on a topic you’re passionate about.

Maybe you have tips on budgeting for families, gardening on a small plot, or delicious recipes using simple ingredients.

Once your blog starts gaining traction, you can earn money through advertising, sponsored posts, or even selling your own products or services.

2. Start a YouTube Channel

Do you have a knack for explaining things clearly or making people laugh? YouTube offers a platform to showcase your talents.

You can make how-to videos, cooking tutorials, reviews, or even just share your daily life.

As your audience grows, you can earn ad revenue, and sponsorships, or even get paid to promote products.

3. Open a Haircut Salon

If you have a flair for styling hair, why not turn it into a business?

A small, home-based salon is a great way to connect with your neighbours while making some extra cash.

It’s a service that’s always in demand, and you can set your own hours to fit your schedule.

4. Become a Virtual Assistant

Are you organized, good with computers, and reliable?

Businesses are always looking for virtual assistants to help with tasks like email management, social media, data entry, and customer service.

The best part? You can do it all from your own home, making it the perfect gig for parents or those with limited mobility.

5. Recycle Cans, Bottles, and Scrap Metal for Cash

It might not be glamorous, but recycling is a simple way to make a difference for the environment and your wallet.

Collect cans, bottles, and scrap metal from your neighbourhood, and then take them to a recycling centre for cash.

It’s a great way to get some exercise and clean up your community at the same time.

6. Start Selling Your Crafts on Etsy

Are you a master crocheter, a jewellery-making enthusiast, or a painter with a unique style?

Etsy provides a bustling marketplace for handmade and vintage goods.

Showcase your creations to a global audience, build your brand, and turn your passion into a profitable venture.

7. Start Selling Second-Hand Clothes

Have a closet overflowing with clothes you no longer wear? Give them a new lease on life by selling them online or at local markets.

Platforms like Poshmark or Vinted make it easy to list and sell your pre-loved garments.

You can also organize a garage sale or participate in community flea markets.

It’s a win-win – you declutter your space and earn some extra cash!

8. Complete Online Surveys

While not a major income source, completing online surveys can be a simple way to earn a little extra on the side.

Many market research companies are looking for consumer feedback, and they’re willing to pay for your opinions.

Be sure to choose reputable survey sites and be realistic about your earnings potential.

9. Start Forex Trading

Forex trading involves buying and selling currencies on the foreign exchange market.

It can be a lucrative venture, but it also comes with significant risks.

If you’re interested in this path, it’s crucial to educate yourself thoroughly, start with a small investment, and be prepared for potential losses.

10. Teach Online Courses

Are you an expert in a particular field? Consider creating and selling online courses.

Platforms like Udemy or Teachable allow you to share your knowledge with a global audience and generate passive income.

You can teach anything from cooking and gardening to coding and business skills.

11. Start an E-Commerce Store

Do you have a knack for finding unique items or creating beautiful crafts?

An e-commerce store lets you sell your wares to a global audience.

Platforms like Shopify or Etsy make it easy to set up shop, even if you’re not a tech whiz.

You can sell anything from handmade jewellery and clothing to vintage finds and home dΓ©cor.

12. Start an Online Proofreading Business

If you have a keen eye for detail and a love for language, proofreading could be your calling.

Many businesses and individuals need help polishing their written materials, from website copy to academic papers.

You can offer your services on freelance platforms or reach out directly to potential clients.

13. Offer Hair Braiding and Styling Services

Transforming hair into works of art is a talent worth sharing!

Whether you’re a whiz with braids, weaves, or natural hair care, you can offer your services to friends, family, and neighbours.

Word-of-mouth can be a powerful marketing tool, and you can even use social media to showcase your skills.

14. Start a Small Vegetable Garden and Sell Produce

Do you have a green thumb? Even a small patch of land can yield a bountiful harvest.

Grow vegetables, herbs, or fruits that are in demand in your community.

You can sell your produce at local markets, to restaurants, or even set up a roadside stand.

It’s a great way to earn extra income while enjoying the benefits of fresh, homegrown food.

15. Do Data Entry Work

Are you organized, detail-oriented, and comfortable with computers?

Data entry is a valuable skill that many businesses need, but often don’t have the time or resources to handle in-house.

You can find data entry jobs on freelance platforms, or reach out directly to companies in need of assistance.

It’s a flexible way to earn income from home, and it can be a stepping stone to more advanced data-related roles.

16. Offer a Laundry Service

Everyone needs clean clothes, but not everyone has the time or resources to do laundry. This is where you step in.

With just a few basins, detergent, and an iron, you can start offering laundry services to your neighbours and community.

Spread the word, be reliable, and offer competitive rates to attract customers.

You can even offer pick-up and delivery services for added convenience.

17. Start a Tailoring Service

If you have sewing skills, put them to good use by starting a tailoring business.

Many people need alterations, repairs, or custom-made clothing, and they’re often willing to pay a fair price for quality work.

Start small by offering basic services like hemming pants or fixing zippers.

As you gain experience and confidence, you can expand your offerings to include more complex projects.

18. Selling Homemade Snacks

Everyone loves a tasty treat! If you enjoy baking or cooking, turn your passion into profit by selling homemade snacks.

Cookies, cakes, samosas, vetkoek – the possibilities are endless.

Start by selling to your friends and family, then branch out to local markets or events.

Package your snacks attractively and price them competitively to entice customers.

19. Home and Office Cleaning Services

A clean space is a happy space, but not everyone has the time or energy to keep up with cleaning.

That’s where you come in. Offer home and office cleaning services to busy individuals and businesses.

Be thorough, reliable, and trustworthy to build a loyal clientele.

You can even offer specialized services like deep cleaning or post-construction cleaning to cater to different needs.

20. Mobile Phone Repair

In today’s digital age, mobile phones are essential, and broken screens or malfunctioning buttons can be a major inconvenience.

If you have technical skills, offer mobile phone repair services.

Start by learning how to fix common issues like replacing screens or batteries.

As you gain expertise, you can tackle more complex repairs.

21. Soap and Detergent Making

Soap and detergent are household essentials, and making your own can be a fun and profitable venture.

With just a few basic ingredients and some simple techniques, you can create natural, affordable cleaning products.

Start by making small batches for personal use, then experiment with different recipes and fragrances to develop your own unique products.

Sell them at local markets or online to reach a wider audience.

34 thoughts on “20+ Ways to Boost Your Income Alongside Your Sassa Grant”

  1. The above is a very good and simple information that took me to where I am today..I’m 69 yrs yet up to now my peers and young alike still wonder how I make it to look younger..I drive like a new driver in the twenties and that gives me income exponentially so..let me leave it there..it’s a story for another day πŸ« πŸ˜πŸ«΅πŸ«ΆπŸ€™

    • Hi. I would like to start a small business I make very good lasagne and was thinking how I could market my product. Selling as dinner for customers.

      • Consider frozen lasagna and anything associated with it, package it, sell to smaller independent stores at high end surburbs, then figure out how to deliver frozen foods to locals, for example courier service that specialize in cold foods or deliver yourself.

  2. I am starting a new business in detergents like cleaning products now I need to advertise my products online and do my marketing to get my stuff s
    old onlie how do I go about
    I want to register this website
    Wat must I do

  3. I want to own a 4 hectorb vegetable business problem is my source of income is sassa only. I can’t afford to buy fencing, small business building, borehole. Solar panels, tanks, drip irrigation system e.t.c

  4. Hi. This is really very good advice.

    I would like to do data entry, virtual assistant or proof reading but have no idea as to how to get a genuine site to work for.

    Please assist with sites to go into if you have any information.

    Look forward to any help I may get.

    Thank you.

  5. Nice copy and paste from google. Half of these aint even possible in SA. See the government education system is working as intended.

  6. Hi

    I am a 57 yr old lady with no income.

    I have started to teach myself to sew from various U tube videos and are now taking sewing lessons with money I borrowed from family. I would like to start a small business by making cloths. My vision is to employ a flew ladies in my community when my business is up and running. Please any guidance where to search for assistance and help will be deeply appreciated.
    Go well.

    • Hi Bongani would you be able to work without any equipment if I introduced you to company that only requires a fone or laptop with data. I don’t sell anything, no office required, no samples to be carried around, just all you need is to connect people and start earning a monthly recurring income for the rest of your life. Note rest of your life. The biggest advantage of this business is that with exactly the same input every month I can increase my income every month with out fail. So if you need more info watsapp me 0741292378 and I will send it to you. I have 100s of testimonies that can back me up. It’s a SA company registered thru the legal system.

      • Hi Deochund I am interested in what you say you can help with. I am 63 in November. Was an excellent PA in many fields for + 35 years.
        I have WhatsApped you.
        Happy regards, Edith Graham

  7. Seriously none of the above methods work, I’ve tried them all and wasted a lot of time. And in case you didn’t know …sassa will no longer pay you once you have any money going into your bank account. So there’s that!
    Lastly, most of the above takes a lot of work, 20 cent surveys to gather your data so those blogs make their money, blogs need hosts and that means money, trading? Seriously? People who can trade don’t have sassa grants, can collecting? Eish lol I could go on forever

  8. Hi Kim forward me your watsapp number and I will forward you information how to make a recurring income which increases every month. All you need is an iPad or fone with data and the ability to connect people. I will introduce you to a unique SA company based in Midrand Jhb.
    No selling
    No office
    No carrying around samples
    No short time or retrenchment
    Lots of other advantages so don’t be scared just watch the information I send you and then decide.

  9. I agree, NOTHING will work, because it is easier to sit and do nothing and receive a grant, NO WORK!!! Even a little money is better than actually using your hands!! Please, don’t complain, you don’t have to be a TRUMP, only a few rands more each month, to make ends meet, sassa is not the problem!! You don’t have to try All of it!!

  10. Interesting, I like to create a E-commerce store, just need help in creating it on shopify or Etsy. I also find the soap and detergent making interesting.

  11. This is really good advise. However I am unemployed applied for the R370 sassa grant but get declined everytime. I am a registered Non profit organization and I am trying to get funding. I help other people to get something to buy ingredients to make food for the homeless people.

  12. You dont need money to start a business all you need is flyers for people who are intrest in up coming events people much make payments for you to start with…the rest you can figure out on your own?

  13. You are spot on Kim. Every person who has enquired about assistance above, have little or no knowledge of IT etc, so they not likely to succeed at any of this. They receive just about enough monthly to simply try and make ends meet, let alone use/risk that money to start a business. Ludicrous if you ask me and yes, they will lose their grant if SASSA sees money coming into their account, then what?

  14. Hello I m kani stay Pretoria I can help to get a job chat and get paid u must have a smart phone and can be able to right English your are going to work with people for China only SA please 0614231914 whassup only for more info

  15. I am computer literate and a pensioner as of December 2023. I am keen to work as a Virtual assistant because throughout my life, I worked as a minute taker and I am able to listen to a recording an take meeting minutes.
    Please guide me on how to access employers who employ Virtual assistants.


    Ms Irene Petlele


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