Free And Affordable Online Courses You Can Take with Your Sassa R370

Your Sassa R370 might not seem like much, but it could be your ticket to a brighter future.

Believe it or not, this modest amount can unlock a world of knowledge and skills through free and affordable online courses.

Yes, you read that right! With just your grant money, you can learn digital marketing, coding, graphic design, and so much more.

Ready to turn your R370 into a powerful investment in yourself?

Here are 10 incredible online courses that can transform your life without breaking the bank.

1. Digital Marketing

Platforms: Google Digital Garage, HubSpot Academy, Coursera (free with audit option)

Become a marketing whiz without spending a dime!

Free courses from these platforms cover everything from SEO (getting your website noticed on Google) to social media strategy.

You’ll learn to understand your audience, create compelling content, and even track your results.

Why this is great for you: Digital marketing skills are in high demand, and this knowledge can open doors to freelance gigs or even full-time jobs.

2. Introduction to Web Development

Platforms: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Khan Academy

Ever wondered how websites are built? Dive into the basics with free tutorials and coding challenges on these platforms.

Learn HTML (the structure of websites), CSS (the look and feel), and even some JavaScript (for interactive elements).

Why this is great for you: Even a little web dev knowledge can help you build your own simple site, troubleshoot issues, or communicate better with professional developers.

3. Graphic Design Basics

Platforms: Canva Design School, Skillshare (free trial), Coursera (free with audit option)

Unleash your inner artist! Free courses and tutorials on these platforms can teach you the fundamentals of design, colour theory, typography, and how to use tools like Canva.

Why this is great for you: Good design makes everything look better, from your social media posts to your resume.

This skill is valuable for personal projects and can even lead to freelance work.

4. Social Media Management

Platforms: Buffer, Hootsuite Academy (free courses), Udemy (free courses)

Love scrolling through social media? Turn that passion into a skill!

Learn how to create engaging posts, schedule content, grow your following, and understand the different platforms with free courses on these platforms.

Why this is great for you: Almost every business needs help with social media, so these skills are highly marketable.

5. Basics of Photography

Platforms: Alison, Udemy (free courses), YouTube tutorials

Got a smartphone? That’s all you need to start taking great photos.

Free courses and tutorials on these platforms can teach you composition, lighting, editing basics, and how to tell a story through your images.

Why this is great for you: Better photos can enhance your social media presence, document your life, or even start a side hustle in photography.

6. Entrepreneurship

Platforms: Udemy (free courses), Coursera (free with audit option), edX

Always dreamed of starting your own business?

Learn the basics of ideation, market research, business planning, and even funding options.

Gain insights from successful entrepreneurs and learn from their mistakes.

Why it’s great for you: Entrepreneurship is about more than just having a good idea; it’s about understanding the business world and having the drive to succeed.

This knowledge can set you up for future success.

7. Virtual Assistant Training

Platforms: Udemy (free courses), Fiverr Learn, YouTube tutorials

Virtual assistants (VAs) are in high demand, providing remote administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients worldwide.

Learn how to manage emails, schedules, social media, and other tasks that businesses need help with.

Why it’s great for you: VA work is flexible, allowing you to work from home and set your own hours.

It’s a great way to gain experience and build your client base.

8. Freelance Writing

Platforms: Coursera (free with audit option), Udemy (free courses), Skillshare (free trial)

Got a way with words? Freelance writing can be a lucrative career, with opportunities in content creation, copywriting, blogging, and more.

Learn the essentials of grammar, style, research, and pitching your services.

Why it’s great for you: Freelance writing offers flexibility and the chance to work on projects you’re passionate about.

It’s a skill that’s always in demand.

9. Introduction to Coding

Platforms: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Khan Academy

Coding is the language of the future.

Dip your toes into the world of programming with free courses that teach you basic concepts and languages like Python, JavaScript, or HTML/CSS.

Why it’s great for you: Even basic coding knowledge can open doors in the tech world, whether you want to build websites, create apps, or work on software projects.

10. Basic Bookkeeping

Platforms: Alison, Udemy (free courses), Coursera (free with audit option)

Understanding financial records is crucial for any business, big or small.

Learn the fundamentals of bookkeeping, including tracking income and expenses, managing invoices, and preparing basic financial reports.

Why it’s great for you: Bookkeeping skills are valuable for managing your own finances or offering your services to others as a freelancer.