How to Survive a Month with Sassa Grant as A Family

I know the feeling firsthand. Some days it’s a triumph when there’s still milk in the fridge by the end of the week, am I right?

But over time, I’ve discovered that it’s not just about making ends meet, it’s about making the most of what we have.

I’ve learned to turn those budget constraints into creative challenges, and I’m here to spill the beans on my best tips and tricks.

So, grab a cup of tea (rooibos, of course, we’re saving those pennies!), and let’s chat about how to make the most of our SASSA grant, together.

10 Best Ways to Survive a Month with Sassa Grant as A Family

1. Create a detailed budget

The first step to financial peace of mind is knowing exactly where your money is going.

Take a deep breath, grab a pen and paper (or your favorite budgeting app), and list all of your expected income and expenses for the month.

This isn’t about being perfect, it’s about being realistic. Be sure to include everything, from rent and utilities to school fees and toiletries.

Once you see it all laid out, you might be surprised where you can trim a little here and there.

2. Prioritizing Food That Fuels

We all need to eat, but with food prices on the rise, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

The key is to focus on nutrient-dense, affordable ingredients. Think hearty vegetables, legumes, and grains.

Make a shopping list before you head to the store, and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to buy in bulk if it saves you money in the long run.

Consider shopping at local markets or joining a community garden for fresh, affordable produce.

3. Cook at home

There’s something truly magical about cooking a meal from scratch.

Not only is it healthier and more affordable than eating out, it’s also a wonderful way to bond with your loved ones.

Get the kids involved in meal planning and preparation, turn up the music, and let the kitchen become a haven of creativity and connection.

Even the simplest ingredients can be transformed into delicious and satisfying dishes with a little love and imagination.

4. Use public transport or walk

Transportation costs can quickly eat away at your budget. If possible, opt for public transportation or, better yet, walk.

This is not only a cost-effective way to get around, but it’s also great exercise and a chance to explore your neighbourhood.

If you must drive, consider carpooling with friends or neighbours to save on gas and parking fees.

5. Buy in bulk

We all know that feeling of dread when the pantry starts to look bare. But here’s a simple trick to keep that at bay: buy in bulk.

Non-perishable items like rice, beans, lentils, and maize meal can be purchased in larger quantities, saving you money in the long run.

These staples are the building blocks of countless nutritious and delicious meals.

Plus, a well-stocked pantry brings a sense of security and peace of mind.

6. Look for discounts and specials

Supermarket aisles can be a battlefield, but armed with a bit of knowledge, you can emerge victorious.

Always keep an eye out for discounts and specials on essential items.

Many stores have weekly flyers or apps that highlight their best deals.

Don’t be afraid to shop around and compare prices. Sometimes, a slightly longer trip to a different store can result in significant savings.

Every rand counts!

7. Grow your own food

If you have a bit of space, even just a small balcony or patio, consider starting a garden.

Fresh vegetables and herbs not only taste better but they’re also packed with nutrients.

Growing your own food is a rewarding experience that can save you money on your grocery bill.

It’s a way to connect with nature and teach your children valuable lessons about where food comes from.

8. Steer Clear of Debt

Debt can be a heavy burden, especially on a limited income.

Avoid taking on new debt if possible, and if you have existing debt, try to pay it off as quickly as you can.

Interest payments can quickly add up and eat into your budget.

If you’re struggling with debt, don’t hesitate to seek help from financial advisors or community resources.

9. Look for additional income opportunities

If you have a skill or passion, why not put it to good use?

Consider taking on part-time work, freelancing, or even starting a small business from home.

This could be anything from baking delicious treats for your neighbours to offering tutoring services to local children.

Not only can this provide a much-needed boost to your income, but it can also give you a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

It’s a chance to share your talents with the world while providing for your family.

10. Seek assistance

Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are many organizations and community groups dedicated to helping families in need.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to government agencies, non-profit organizations, or local churches for assistance.

These resources can provide everything from food vouchers and school supplies to counselling and job training programs.

It takes courage to ask for help, but remember, it’s a sign of strength, not weakness.

Your community is there to support you and your family.

11 thoughts on “How to Survive a Month with Sassa Grant as A Family”

  1. Ooh what an eyes opening that is very true, if we can follow that.Thank you so much, i really appreciate that.

  2. We talking about reality here, cost of living is very high, saying trim here and there cut down on this and that is not a solution, so saying all these kinds of things is of no help to anyone, people are suffering that’s the bottom line.

  3. This is not realistic. How down you bulk buy with a R350 when that is not even bread money for the month? I don’t think the writer of this article really knows the feeling first hand.

    • I felt the same also. She’s still out of touch with reality. The fact that someone is on social grant it means they can’t afford bulk buying , have a pantry and gardening lol

  4. People can’t survive on Sassa money. Can’t pay rent.
    Eat maize porridge.
    2 spoons mincemeat
    every 3rd day.
    Black coffee.
    We paid tax for many many years and get the same sassa than the person who never worked.
    Job creation?
    We can’t afford a maid or garden man.

    • The title is misleading. Sies man. If you not willing to interview real people than why waste time writing an article that means nothing to a real person. A friend of mine gets Social grant plus works as a domestic worker and she never eats out, they have a garden and are still struggling to make ends meet. This article is nonsense. What bulk can you buy with very little. Buy bulk of what that will replace everything else.

  5. A very tone deaf article that should never have been published in the first place. Writing from a privileged high horse to people living in poverty, and telling them to buy in bulk,draw budgets is appalling. The very communities you suggest they get help from are equally impoverished. This is what happens when people are hired because they are cousins, siblings of or comrades. You should have just said ‘Qui’ls mangent de la brioche ‘ and called it a day.

  6. Stupid article. Just general tips. Besides and I quote:
    “SASSA R350 grant is designed to help unemployed South African between the age of 18–59 years with no source of income.” So If we implement Tip 9: Look for additional Incomes. Like staring a small business,and generating an income. Then you can’t claim for Sassa anyway.

  7. in the picture above the article is a family of 10 kids and a grandmother so I’m thinking we are talking about R7000 which is still a stretch. sassa grant is will not sustain any 1 at all.

    writer need to say how much sassa money they are talking about.

  8. Good day my grant is rent is R2000.I applied for pop in Mach2024 from City of Tshwane still waiting for answer now is May2024 .so can you see there is not yet budget on that grant no food no anything in the family of 6 no one is working 2schooling kids.


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