Tshwane University of Technology APS Calculator

If you are thinking about joining the community at Tshwane University of Technology, figuring out your APS is a key part of the process, and we’re here to make it super easy.

Our TUT APS Calculator is your go-to tool for understanding your admission potential.

Just plug in your subject marks, and zing – you’ll get your accurate Admission Point Score in seconds.

No more wrestling with confusing formulas or hunting down complicated tables.

Give the TUT APS Calculator a try and take a confident stride towards your future!

Life Orientation
Life Orientation

APS Points Scale

Percentage Range Points Awarded
80-100% 7 points
70-79% 6 points
60-69% 5 points
50-59% 4 points
40-49% 3 points
30-39% 2 points
0-29% 1 point

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