WITS APS Score Calculator – an easy-to-use tool designed to help South African students quickly calculate their Admission Point Score (APS) for the University of the Witwatersrand.

Simply input your subject marks, and the calculator will automatically calculate your total APS score, based on WITS’ official points scale.

Stay ahead in your application process and ensure you meet the requirements for your desired course with this streamlined, user-friendly tool.

Life Orientation
Life Orientation

Wits Points Scale

Percentage Range Points Awarded
90-100% 8 points
80-89% 7 points
70-79% 6 points
60-69% 5 points
50-59% 4 points
40-49% 3 points
30-39% 2 points
0-29% 1 point

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How To Calculate The APS For University of the Witwatersrand

To calculate your APS score for the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), follow these steps carefully.

This guide will break down the process and explain how the APS score is calculated using your subject marks.

Step 1: Know Your Subjects

The APS score is based on your final marks in specific subjects.

WITS typically considers a combination of the following:

  • Home Language
  • First Additional Language
  • Mathematics (or Mathematical Literacy, depending on your course)
  • Life Orientation (optional, but often included)
  • Any other subjects related to your desired course (e.g., Physical Science, Accounting, etc.)

Step 2: Identify the Marks

Once you have your final marks in these subjects, write them down.

The APS score calculation is based on the percentage you achieve in each subject.

Step 3: Match the Marks with Points

WITS uses a points system based on your subject percentages. For each subject, you’ll award yourself points based on the table below:

Percentage RangePoints Awarded
90-100%8 points
80-89%7 points
70-79%6 points
60-69%5 points
50-59%4 points
40-49%3 points
30-39%2 points
0-29%1 point

Step 4: Calculate Points for Each Subject

Now, go through each of your subjects and match your percentage mark with the corresponding point value. For example:

  • If you scored 85% in Mathematics, you would get 7 points (because 80-89% equals 7 points).
  • If you scored 72% in Physical Science, you would get 6 points (because 70-79% equals 6 points).

Step 5: Add Your Points

Once you’ve calculated the points for each subject, add them together. The total is your APS score.

For example:

  • Mathematics (85%) = 7 points
  • Physical Science (72%) = 6 points
  • English (90%) = 8 points
  • Life Orientation (70%) = 6 points

Total APS = 7 + 6 + 8 + 6 = 27 points

Step 6: Consider the Requirements for Your Course

Each course at WITS has specific APS requirements.

For example, a course like Medicine may require a higher APS score than a Bachelor of Arts.

It’s important to check the required APS score for the course you wish to apply for.

If your total is close to the required score, it’s a good idea to aim for higher marks in key subjects to ensure you meet the requirement.

Step 7: Keep in Mind Additional Considerations

Life Orientation: Some courses may exclude Life Orientation from the APS calculation, so always check the specific requirements for your desired program.

Bonus Points: In some cases, WITS may offer bonus points for certain subjects like Mathematics or Physical Science, particularly if they’re critical to the course.

Make sure to check with WITS for any updates on this.