University of Fort Hare APS Calculator

Dreaming of walking the halls of Fort Hare? Fantastic choice! But tackling that APS calculation can be a bit daunting. That’s where we come in.

UFH APS Calculator is your secret weapon for a stress-free application process. Just plug in your marks, and poof – your Admission Point Score (APS) appears, calculated precisely to Fort Hare’s standards.

It’s free, it’s fast, and it’s designed to make your Fort Hare application journey a whole lot smoother.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a go and see what your future at Fort Hare holds!

Life Orientation
Life Orientation

UFH Points Scale

Percentage Range Points Awarded
90-100% 8 points
80-89% 7 points
70-79% 6 points
60-69% 5 points
50-59% 4 points
40-49% 3 points
30-39% 2 points
0-29% 1 point

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