How to Reset Your SASSA Password

Ugh, I’ve totally been there – staring blankly at the SASSA login screen, trying to remember that pesky password.

It’s like my brain suddenly decided to take a vacation!

Resetting your SASSA password is actually pretty simple, and I’m here to guide you through it step-by-step.

We’ll head over to the SASSA Services Portal, click a few buttons, type in some info, and voilà – you’ll be back in business in no time.

So take a deep breath, and grab your phone. Trust me, it’s a breeze once you know the ropes!

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting Your Password

1. Access the SASSA Services Portal

Open your web browser (like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).

In the address bar, type in the official SASSA website address:

Press Enter. You’ll see the SASSA Services Portal homepage.

2. Locate the Menu Icon (☰)

In the top right corner of the homepage, look for three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other. This is the menu icon.

Click on the menu icon to open a dropdown menu.

3. Select “Forgot your login details?”

In the dropdown menu, you’ll see several options. Click on the one that says “Forgot your login details?”

This will take you to a new page where you can start the password reset process.

4. Enter ID Number

On the password reset page, you’ll be asked to enter your South African ID number. This is the same ID number you used when applying for your SASSA grant.

Type in your ID number carefully and double-check for accuracy.

5. Verify OTP Code:

After entering your ID number, SASSA will send a special code called a One-Time PIN (OTP) to your registered cellphone number. This is a security measure to ensure it’s really you trying to reset the password.

Check your phone for an SMS message with the OTP code.

Enter the OTP code into the field provided on the password reset page.

6. Set New Password

Now comes the crucial part: creating a strong new password. Here’s how to make a good one:

Use a combination of uppercase letters (A, B, C), lowercase letters (a, b, c), numbers (1, 2, 3), and symbols (!, @, #).

Aim for at least 8-12 characters in your password.

Don’t use easily guessed information like your name, birth date, or simple patterns (like “123456”).

Consider using a password manager tool to help you create and store strong passwords securely.

7. Confirm New Password

Type your new password again in the confirmation field. This is to make sure you typed it correctly the first time.

8. Submit the New Password

Once you’ve double-checked everything, click the “Submit” or “Reset Password” button.

If all goes well, you’ll receive a confirmation message that your password has been reset successfully.

You can now use your new password to log in to the SASSA Services Portal.

Troubleshooting Tips:

OTP not received? Double-check that you entered the correct ID number and that your phone has good reception. You might need to wait a few minutes for the OTP to arrive if it doesn’t, try the process again.

Can’t remember your ID number? Contact the SASSA call center (0800 60 10 11) for assistance.

Other problems? The SASSA call centre is there to help you with any issues you encounter.

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