How To Apply For FNB Temporary Loan

Understanding FNB Temporary Loans

  • Quick Cash: They provide fast access to funds when you need extra money.
  • Flexible: You choose how much to borrow within limits.
  • Short-Term: Designed for urgent needs, not long-term financial solutions.


  1. FNB Account: You MUST have an active FNB Cheque Account or Easy Account.
  2. Income: Earn between R3,000 and R4,000 per month.
  3. Age: Be age 18 to 63.
  4. South African ID: Have a valid South African ID card.

Application Methods

Here are the step-by-step options for applying. Choose the one best for you:

Option 1: FNB Cellphone Banking

  1. Dial: Using the phone number linked to your FNB account, dial 120321#
  2. Follow Prompts: The menu will guide you.
  3. PIN: Enter your FNB Mobile Banking PIN.
  4. Select “Get a Loan”: Choose this option from the main menu.
  5. Select “Temporary Loan”: Pick it from the new list of options.
  6. Review Rules: Read carefully before proceeding.
  7. Consent (If Needed): If married, your spouse may need to consent.
  8. Terms & Conditions: Read these THOROUGHLY.
  9. Accept (If First Time): Click “Accept Offer” if this is your first time taking a Temporary Loan.
  10. Loan Amount: Choose the amount you need.
  11. Complete Form: Fill out the simple application.
  12. Confirm: Submit your application.
  13. Approval = SMS: You’ll get a text if approved.

Option 2: FNB Online Banking

  1. Login: Sign in to your FNB online banking.
  2. “Loans” Tab: Find and click the “Loans” section.
  3. “Get a Temp Loan Now”: Select this option.
  4. Review Rules: Read them before proceeding.
  5. Consent (If Needed): If married, your spouse may need to provide consent.
  6. Terms & Conditions: Read these THOROUGHLY.
  7. Accept: Click “Accept offer”
  8. Loan Amount: Choose how much you need.
  9. “Take up loan”: Click this button.
  10. Double Check: Make sure everything on the application is correct.
  11. Submit: Send it in!

Option 3: FNB Branch

  1. Visit: Go to your local FNB branch.
  2. Ask About Temporary Loans: Staff will help you.
  3. Paperwork: Fill out the application with their help.
  4. Follow Their Instructions: Branch staff will guide you.

Important Reminders

  • FNB Temporary Loans are for short-term needs. Plan to pay them back quickly.
  • Interest rates apply, so figure the total cost before taking the loan.
  • Only borrow what you can comfortably repay.
  • If you’re unsure, ask questions! FNB staff are there to help.